22 02, 2023

Rainbow Hub supports younger learners as they explore issues around sexual orientation and gender identity

2023-05-31T12:51:34-07:00February 22nd, 2023|Our Approach|

SelfDesign believes in the safety, acceptance and inclusion of all learners in regard to ability, learning style, culture, race, personal or spiritual beliefs, and gender identity and expression. We work year-round to find ways to implement SOGI 123 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 123) throughout our organization and offerings to support our learners and other community members who identify as [...]

1 02, 2023

Building community: SelfDesign’s Minecraft group for learners

2023-08-10T17:56:50-07:00February 1st, 2023|Our Approach|

SelfDesign believes that learning happens in relationship and in community. To help make this happen, we offer safe spaces where our learners can gather, connect and share. These include everything from our Genius Hours for learners in grade 3 to 9 to our themes, workshops and circles for learners in grades 6 to 12. One secure online space we hold [...]

25 01, 2023

Personal projects allowed this learner to dive deeply into her passions and build new skills

2023-01-25T11:38:46-08:00January 25th, 2023|Our Approach, Learner Stories|

When SelfDesign learners and their families, and educators gathered in the Lower Mainland last spring for our Commencement Ceremony celebrating our Class of 2022, they were treated to a performance by one of their peers. At the ceremony, Amelia, who finished her SelfDesign learning journey in June with a Dogwood Diploma (B.C. certificate of graduation), sang a haunting traditional Celtic [...]

18 01, 2023

​​Board Chair gives back to SelfDesign

2023-01-18T16:09:03-08:00January 18th, 2023|Who We Are|

Verena Gibbs joined the SelfDesign® Learning Foundation Board of Directors in 2017 because she thought it would be a good way to support an organization that had given her so much earlier in her career. “I’m very grateful to have worked with Brent Cameron, River Meyer, Kathleen Forsythe and Michael Maser while at Wondertree and SelfDesign between 2002 and 2009. [...]

11 01, 2023

Portfolios reflect, celebrate and demonstrate each learner’s unique learning journey and achievements

2023-01-11T16:22:10-08:00January 11th, 2023|Our Approach|

At SelfDesign, each learner contributes to a portfolio that showcases and celebrates their own learning and achievements throughout the year. “I like to call it the pot of gold at the end of each semester,” says Educational Program team lead Janice Green. “We introduce the process in the fall, and learners add to it throughout the semester. At the end [...]

8 12, 2022

Top 5 Perks of Learning from Home

2023-11-21T11:06:21-08:00December 8th, 2022|HomeLearners Network, Our Approach|

Learning at home can be liberating and fun. The ability to assess your kids’ unique strengths,  learning styles and interests—and roll with them to maximize their learning potential—is a special opportunity! Along with the ability to spend more time with your kids, your family is afforded the freedom to travel, practice religious beliefs and observe holidays not recognized by the [...]

16 11, 2022

SelfDesign supports learners in meeting their grade 10 and 12 provincial assessment requirements for the Dogwood Diploma

2023-01-10T13:44:09-08:00November 16th, 2022|Our Approach|

SelfDesign learner Grace wasn’t looking forward to writing the three grade 10 and 12 provincial assessments she needed in order to get her Dogwood Diploma (B.C. Graduation Certificate). Every young person in B.C. seeking to finish grade 12 with a Dogwood Diploma is required to write the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, Grade 10 Literacy [...]

9 11, 2022

Rewarded for passion: SelfDesign learners do well when applying for this scholarship

2023-01-10T13:43:39-08:00November 9th, 2022|Our Approach|

SelfDesign learners have a good track record for receiving the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care’s School District/Authority Scholarships. In 2022, three of our commencing grade 12 learners won four of the $1,250 scholarships, which can be used to pay for tuition at any recognized college, university or trade school. In 2021, seven learners received the scholarships. These young [...]

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