7 02, 2024

​​Learning together to help the planet and make the future a better place

2024-05-06T15:15:21-07:00February 7th, 2024|Our Approach|

This year, every Friday from October to May, several passionate and engaged learners gather online to learn and talk about how they can learn from the Earth and nurture it. The Earth-Wise Collective is a club for SelfDesign learners in grades 8 to 12 who are interested in the environment. “Every meeting, we include a range of activities to include [...]

24 01, 2024

This learner was accepted into Canada’s top architecture school 

2024-02-15T16:21:11-08:00January 24th, 2024|Featured-Blog, Learner Stories|

When Daniel was looking into post-secondary opportunities to continue after grade 12, he was most intrigued by the Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urbanism program at the University of British Columbia’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Every year, more than 1,000 people apply to enter the prestigious four-year Bachelor of Arts program. The school, considered Canada’s top architecture school, accepts [...]

17 01, 2024

Faces of SelfDesign: River Meyer, Longtime member of SelfDesign’s leadership team, stepping back

2024-02-15T16:21:33-08:00January 17th, 2024|Featured-Blog, Who We Are|

A Q&A with our outgoing Director of Organizational Learning and Culture When River Meyer moved from Alaska to a small Colorado mountain town in 2003, she hadn’t heard of SelfDesign, Wondertree (SelfDesign Learning® Community’s predecessor), or Brent Cameron, SelfDesign’s founder. Yet, within the year, she met Brent and began rewriting the manuscript for his book, SelfDesign: Nurturing Genius Through Natural [...]

10 01, 2024

Introducing your awesome new HomeLearners Network guides: Heather and Augusta!

2024-01-29T16:57:21-08:00January 10th, 2024|HomeLearners Network, Who We Are|

HomeLearners Network (HLN) has some fabulous certified educators (guides) who are always excited to help your kids discover new passions and realize unique skills. Our new Guides, Heather and Augusta, are no exception! We sat down with Heather and Augusta to get to know them better and find out why they’re excited to be HLN guides. Meet Heather, scientist extraordinaire! [...]

3 01, 2024

SelfDesign celebrates winter and the end of the learning year’s first semester by building community

2024-01-04T13:46:24-08:00January 3rd, 2024|Our Approach|

Quebec City has its Winter Carnival. Winnipeg has the Festival du Voyageur. Edmonton has the Deep Freeze Festival. Many communities in Canada and beyond hold winter festivals. They celebrate light and community in the coldest, darkest time of year. They push people to bundle up, leave the coziness of their homes, and meet up with friends and neighbours. SelfDesign® Learning [...]

30 11, 2023

SelfDesign learner excels in science and math, achieves prestigious academic award

2023-11-30T16:41:27-08:00November 30th, 2023|Learner Stories|

Owain is by all accounts humble and uncomfortable with anything that could be mistaken for pride. So when the recent SelfDesign learner and member of SelfDesign’s Class of 2023 received notice that he’d won the Governor General’s Academic Medal in June, he responded in his usual low-key way. “Yeah, I was pleased,” he says. “In fact, I felt I needed [...]

8 11, 2023

Preparation and support help reduce the stress of Grade 10 and 12 provincial assessments, SelfDesign learner says

2024-09-13T07:31:37-07:00November 8th, 2023|Parents, Our Approach, Learner Stories|

Celeste has spent her entire schooling journey to date with SelfDesign® Learning Community, beginning in 2012, when she started grade one. Her parents had learned about our kindergarten to grade 12 program when she was a toddler and thought it would be a better option for her than public school. “I honestly love it so much,” says Celeste, whose main [...]

25 10, 2023

Changes to SelfDesign’s Board of Directors

2023-10-25T09:39:25-07:00October 25th, 2023|Who We Are|

A number of changes have occurred recently on the SelfDesign Learning Foundation Board of Directors. Sherry Elwood, who joined the board two years ago, has left to pursue other opportunities. We offer her our heartfelt thanks for her contributions to SelfDesign and wish her the best in her next endeavours. We are delighted to welcome two new members to the [...]

6 09, 2023

SelfDesign helped this learner get a headstart on university

2023-09-06T16:07:24-07:00September 6th, 2023|Learner Stories|

When Cass starts the Bachelor of Arts program in Digital Media Studies at Vancouver Island University this month, he already will have one of the four-year program’s courses under his belt. Cass commenced from SelfDesign in June. During grade 12, he took one of the program’s first-year-level courses as part of the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care’s dual-credit [...]

16 08, 2023

SelfDesign’s Education Program assistant team builds community and provides support

2023-08-30T09:44:04-07:00August 16th, 2023|Our Approach|

In 2021, when SelfDesign Education Assistant Meghan mentioned to colleague Talisha that she thought she had been the only person who had applied for the position in 2020, Talisha set her straight. “No. No, you weren’t,” Talisha said. “I know, because I applied for it, too.” Meghan, who commenced from SelfDesign as a learner in 2017, came into the role [...]

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