19 11, 2020

A supportive approach to learning: Meet SelfDesign Counsellor Franya Jedwab

2020-11-19T13:52:08-08:00November 19th, 2020|Who We Are|

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we talked to SelfDesign Counsellor Franya Jedwab about what she does as part of the Family Services team. Having been a SelfDesign parent, Franya understands what is involved in learning at home and in the community, and draws on that to help support learners and families as a counsellor.

29 10, 2020

SelfDesign’s Gender Sexual Orientation Alliance celebrates LGBT History Month

2022-03-02T13:48:44-08:00October 29th, 2020|Our Approach|

SelfDesign® Family Services strives to be “a steward of compassion and understanding within the SelfDesign community offering support to learners, families, Learning Consultants, mentors and contractors.” Given this, we are excited to be working with a group of keen grade 10–12 learners to launch SelfDesign’s own Gender Sexual Orientation Alliance (GSA).

17 09, 2020

Relationship, trust and support: SelfDesign supports learning in challenging times

2022-03-02T13:47:06-08:00September 17th, 2020|Our Approach|

SelfDesign® Family Services provides resources and supports to help learners and families when events or situations interfere with learning. Within Family Services, members of the Contact Assistance Team – referred to as CAT – are experienced in working with learners in kindergarten to grade 12, including learners who receive Support Education services.

23 04, 2020

SelfDesign and SOGI 1 2 3: Supporting learners and families exploring sexual orientation and gender identity

2022-03-02T13:40:39-08:00April 23rd, 2020|Our Approach|

Whether it's around sexual orientation and gender identity, or issues related to the interconnected nature of different aspects of identity and diversity – such as race, religion and ability – SelfDesign® has always strived to be, and prided itself on being, an inclusive place where learners are comfortable to be themselves authentically. 

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