27 03, 2024

​​Learners have many ways to connect with peers and share interests at SelfDesign

2024-04-02T12:30:54-07:00March 27th, 2024|Our Approach|

“SelfDesign is a unique opportunity to pursue your interests in a different way,” says former SelfDesign learner Erik, a member of our Class of 2019. “It’s also a great opportunity to find like-minded people – which could be hard to do otherwise – but SelfDesign provides the perfect opportunities for these connections to be made.” At SelfDesign® Learning Community, learning [...]

8 11, 2023

Preparation and support help reduce the stress of Grade 10 and 12 provincial assessments, SelfDesign learner says

2024-09-13T07:31:37-07:00November 8th, 2023|Parents, Our Approach, Learner Stories|

Celeste has spent her entire schooling journey to date with SelfDesign® Learning Community, beginning in 2012, when she started grade one. Her parents had learned about our kindergarten to grade 12 program when she was a toddler and thought it would be a better option for her than public school. “I honestly love it so much,” says Celeste, whose main [...]

6 09, 2023

SelfDesign helped this learner get a headstart on university

2023-09-06T16:07:24-07:00September 6th, 2023|Learner Stories|

When Cass starts the Bachelor of Arts program in Digital Media Studies at Vancouver Island University this month, he already will have one of the four-year program’s courses under his belt. Cass commenced from SelfDesign in June. During grade 12, he took one of the program’s first-year-level courses as part of the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care’s dual-credit [...]

16 08, 2023

SelfDesign’s Education Program assistant team builds community and provides support

2023-08-30T09:44:04-07:00August 16th, 2023|Our Approach|

In 2021, when SelfDesign Education Assistant Meghan mentioned to colleague Talisha that she thought she had been the only person who had applied for the position in 2020, Talisha set her straight. “No. No, you weren’t,” Talisha said. “I know, because I applied for it, too.” Meghan, who commenced from SelfDesign as a learner in 2017, came into the role [...]

29 03, 2023

Thanks to SelfDesign’s support and flexibility, this learner is setting world records in his sport

2023-03-29T09:05:06-07:00March 29th, 2023|Our Approach, Learner Stories|

On October 30, 2022, 18-year-old Nicholas set a world record in the men's 200-metre freestyle S14 swimming event at the FINA [International Swimming Federation] World Cup preliminaries in Toronto. Three months earlier, he had set a Commonwealth Games record in the 200-m freestyle S14 Para swimming event in Birmingham, England. Those achievements followed a silver medal in the same event [...]

15 03, 2023

SelfDesign Support Services’ intake process: How to ensure your child has the specialized learning supports they need once they enrol

2023-03-15T09:45:45-07:00March 15th, 2023|Our Approach|

SelfDesign® Learning Community is all about supporting learners so that they can be successful in their learning and in meeting their learning goals. It’s what we do. It’s what we’re known for. It’s what sets us apart from many other schools. As part of that, SelfDesign Support Services arranges support for learners and their families who have been diagnosed with [...]

1 02, 2023

Building community: SelfDesign’s Minecraft group for learners

2023-08-10T17:56:50-07:00February 1st, 2023|Our Approach|

SelfDesign believes that learning happens in relationship and in community. To help make this happen, we offer safe spaces where our learners can gather, connect and share. These include everything from our Genius Hours for learners in grade 3 to 9 to our themes, workshops and circles for learners in grades 6 to 12. One secure online space we hold [...]

16 11, 2022

SelfDesign supports learners in meeting their grade 10 and 12 provincial assessment requirements for the Dogwood Diploma

2023-01-10T13:44:09-08:00November 16th, 2022|Our Approach|

SelfDesign learner Grace wasn’t looking forward to writing the three grade 10 and 12 provincial assessments she needed in order to get her Dogwood Diploma (B.C. Graduation Certificate). Every young person in B.C. seeking to finish grade 12 with a Dogwood Diploma is required to write the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment, Grade 10 Literacy [...]

19 10, 2022

Vital members of a child’s learning team: Insights and advice from experienced SelfDesign parents and guardians

2022-10-19T13:00:03-07:00October 19th, 2022|Our Approach|

We recognize that parents and guardians know their child’s needs best and may have clear ideas as to the types of learning activities that would facilitate their growth and development. A number of SelfDesign parents and guardians share their insights about how they view and approach their role of supporting their children’s learning.

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