Who hires Support Providers?

Our Support Services team works in consultation with the parents/guardians to select appropriate support services providers who fit the SelfDesign philosophy, who meet the professional recommendations, and who meet the Ministry criteria. Support providers are contracted by and work for [...]

2022-03-07T08:37:38-08:00November 19th, 2019||

What is involved with hiring a support provider?

Each learner is unique, and therefore support will look different for different learners. Your learning consultant will help you understand what interventions are appropriate to include in your child’s Support Services budget, based on guidelines provided to our program from [...]

2019-11-19T22:39:34-08:00November 19th, 2019||

What are Adapted or Modified Education Programs?

The Learning Plan must indicate whether a child is using supplemental competencies or replacement competencies. With supplemental competencies, the learner is engaging with the usual grade level curricular competencies with adaptations and supports to reduce barriers to learning. With replacement [...]

2022-01-10T20:24:41-08:00November 19th, 2019||

How does funding work?

The amount of funding available for special education interventions is determined by considering each child’s unique needs and reviewing the recommendations in the documentation. Funding from the Ministry of Education is intended to cover all aspects of Support Services (supporting [...]

2019-11-19T22:35:07-08:00November 19th, 2019||

What is an Individual Education Plan?

For learners using Support Services, an Individual Education Plan is created in addition to the Learning Plan to provide specialized support in areas of need. Your learning consultant will discuss Individual Education Plan goals with you, develop short-term objectives, transition [...]

2022-01-10T20:22:02-08:00November 19th, 2019||

What is the role of parents/guardians?

A learner’s parents/guardians, and/or caregivers are important and welcome members of a learner’s support team. They know the child’s needs better than anyone and often have clear ideas as to the types of supports that will facilitate the child’s optimal [...]

2022-03-07T08:40:42-08:00November 19th, 2019||
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