Each learner is unique, and therefore support will look different for different learners. Your learning consultant will help you understand what interventions are appropriate to include in your child’s Support Services budget, based on guidelines provided to our program from the Ministry of Education, and based on recommendations in the professional documentation

Some examples of the kinds of support providers families request for their children include:

  • 1:1 support from a Special Education Assistant
  • Adapted or modified physical activity instruction
  • Support in community activities
  • Academic support
  • Behavioural support
  • Social skills training
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology services for psychoeducational assessment or behavioural support
  • Therapeutic riding
  • Music or Art Therapy, to address communication, self-regulation, and/or motor-control issues
  • Specialized small group classes or Interventions designed to support children with special needs (modified or adapted), and facilitated by a person with training specific to your child’s needs
  • 1:1 instruction in swimming or gymnastics or other individual sports
  • Specialized small group classes or Interventions designed to support children with special needs (modified or adapted), and facilitated by a person with training specific to your child’s needs
  • 1:1 instruction in swimming or gymnastics or other individual sports speech and language professionals; behavioural interventionists; art therapists; music therapists; counsellors; special education assistants; equine therapists etc.