The reconciliAction ripple effect: Every Indigenous Education offering and resource advances SelfDesign’s commitment towards reconciliation

No one single program or event SelfDesign offers and no one single discussion we host within our community will suddenly change the world. But they each might advance reconciliation a little bit further, and over time, this can build.

2022-03-02T13:56:54-08:00November 26th, 2021|Our Approach|

Making the most of the grade 10 to 12 experience at SelfDesign: Learners’ advice to peers

Learners who completed SelfDesign’s grade 10 to 12 program in 2021 share advice and tips with learners beginning grade 10.

2022-03-02T13:56:20-08:00October 21st, 2021|Our Approach|

The role of the learner: Placing the child at the centre of their own learning journey

Learners influence their own learning experiences in many ways at SelfDesign by collaborating with their families and educators to shape their own personalized learning plans.

2022-03-02T13:56:05-08:00October 13th, 2021|Our Approach|

Learners help their peers transition to SelfDesign’s grade 10 to 12 program

At SelfDesign’s Learner Council Welcome to Grade 10 Campfire, learners answered questions, addressed key concerns, and shared information and learners’ insights about what to expect in grade 10.

2022-03-02T13:55:06-08:00August 18th, 2021|Our Approach|

Scrapbook of memories: A small group of learners shape SelfDesign’s first yearbook for the Class of 2021

Four learners came together to spearhead development of SelfDesign’s first-ever official Commencement Scrapbook. Drawing on the tradition of the highschool yearbook, the scrapbook provides each commencing learner with a collection of memories created by and for their peers.

2022-03-02T13:54:36-08:00July 15th, 2021|Our Approach|
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