Connecting and sharing: Genius Hour highlights the genius in learners

Genius Hour brings learners together to show and talk about what they’re doing in their learning lives, ask questions, share ideas and deepen their understanding of the notion of “genius.”

2022-03-02T13:51:39-08:00March 10th, 2021|Our Approach|

Three paths to completion: SelfDesign sets learners up for future success

SelfDesign’s personalized learning program provides learners with the same credentials that any B.C. school offers. Learners can apply to post-secondary institutions and work towards professional careers – and are better prepared for taking responsibility for their own learning.

2022-03-02T13:51:21-08:00March 2nd, 2021|Our Approach|

SelfDesign offers families learning opportunities – wherever they are

Until a few years ago, SelfDesign enrolled learners from around the world in its global program. The parent of one of those learners talks about her daughter’s SelfDesign experience.

2022-03-02T13:50:51-08:00February 10th, 2021|Our Approach|

SelfDesign Home Learning provides an alternative for independent learning at home

This year, to enrich the at-home learning experience, SelfDesign Home Learning is providing learners and families with access to a suite of subscriptions to high-quality online learning opportunities.

2024-08-02T10:11:33-07:00January 20th, 2021|Featured-SDHL, Our Approach|

Learners in grade 8 to 12 connect and engage through regular learning activities

Being able to connect to and interact with peers is an important part of the school experience. At SelfDesign Learning Community, we build that connection and interaction right into our core learning program.

2022-03-02T13:50:05-08:00January 14th, 2021|Our Approach|

Learning, connection and community

“SelfDesign is a unique opportunity to pursue your interests in a different way,” SelfDesign graduate Erik says. “It’s also a great opportunity to find like-minded people – which could be hard to do otherwise – but SelfDesign provides the perfect opportunities for these connections to be made.”

2022-03-02T13:49:48-08:00January 6th, 2021|Our Approach|

Universal Design for Learning: Another great tool in SelfDesign’s toolbox for learner-centred learning

SelfDesign employs the innovative Universal Design for Learning framework to provide learners with choice and flexibility in how they access material, engage with it and show what they know.

2022-03-02T13:49:33-08:00December 16th, 2020|Our Approach|
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