Nearly 20 years with SelfDesign: This family explored interests, pursued passions, and grew up together

Being part of SelfDesign transformed this family, says this mother of five former SelfDesign learners. “It completely changed the way that we raised our children and made our family 100 times better than it had been before.”

2024-08-02T10:11:14-07:00June 16th, 2021|Featured-SDHL, Learner Stories|

From neighbourhood cleanup to petitioning Parliament: How this learner’s interests drove his learning

A neighbourhood cleanup project led this learner on a new learning adventure to learn about pollution, petitions and Canada’s political system.

2022-03-01T18:51:50-08:00June 10th, 2021|Learner Stories|

Family resistance to a home learning path, and the beautiful outcome

Lisa, a SelfDesign parent, shares her story of how her family, her husband and her husband’s family all opposed her daughters embarking with SelfDesign. With time, as the kids flourished on their new learning journeys, the resistance faded.

2022-03-01T18:50:58-08:00May 26th, 2021|Learner Stories|

SelfDesign learner’s council provides unique skill-building opportunities for learners

SelfDesign's student council has accomplished a great deal to bridge the gap between learners and the organization. In this interview, council President Samayyah talks about her approach to leadership for the 2020/21 school year.

2022-03-01T18:41:18-08:00February 24th, 2021|Learner Stories|

The struggle is real: A SelfDesign learner writes about the importance of self-care among young people during the pandemic

SelfDesign learner Alyssa shares her insights into the challenges she and her peers are facing during the pandemic.

2022-03-01T18:39:27-08:00January 27th, 2021|Learner Stories|

SelfDesign’s Learner Council gives greater voice to its learners

By Hannah, former SelfDesign learner (commenced January 2020) Learners in SelfDesign’s kindergarten to grade 9 program grow up knowing that our voices and opinions matter and are an integral part of our learning experience. It’s only natural to carry that [...]

2022-03-01T18:36:16-08:00November 12th, 2020|Learner Stories|

True self-discovery and resilience through personalized and adaptable learning

Olivia, now 19 years-old, commenced from SelfDesign® with the Adult Dogwood Diploma, after having started her journey with SelfDesign in Grade 1. She is already a successful artist, teaching art out of her home studio and having her work featured in Vancouver’s Undercovered Art Festival in November 2019.

2022-03-01T18:35:52-08:00November 4th, 2020|Learner Stories|
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