We are delighted, proud and grateful to share with you here SelfDesign Learning Foundation’s 2020 Community Report – a record of our achievements and activities in 2020 and of our responses to the year’s unique challenges.

Download the 2020 SelfDesign Community Report here.

The report highlights  our ongoing and unwavering commitment to our guiding philosophy, vision, mission, principles and values in all of our programming, activities and initiatives. It also outlines the many accomplishments of the foundation, its learners, families, educators and supporters over the last year – accomplishments we all can be proud of.

In addition, the report shows how the SelfDesign community came together to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. It demonstrates how we rose to meet the challenges of the past year to continue creating and sharing exceptional learning opportunities, to keep our community safe, and to support one another.

“The challenges aren’t over – we’re still in a pandemic,” SelfDesign Principal of Educational Programs Nikki Kenyon acknowledges in the report, “but somehow through it all, this amazing SelfDesign community keeps moving forward with grace and compassion – for each other, in our homes, and in our work.”

It is thanks to the dedication of our community members that SelfDesign is able to report so many successes this year.

In the words of our President and CEO, Amber Papou, we are “ever thankful for all of you – our wonderful, empathetic and passionate SelfDesign community.” We are so grateful to our Board of Directors, our dedicated leadership teams and contractors, and our learners and families for their contributions to SelfDesign in 2020!