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Kalev Tait, Virtual High 1993–1997, remembers a tight-knit, supportive community

2024-06-27T11:17:15-07:00June 27th, 2024|Who We Are, Learner Stories|

Drawing on almost 20 years of experience producing video games in the U.K., Kalev Tait recently co-founded video-game company Ludic [...]

Our in-house therapists support learners and families on their SelfDesign journeys

2024-09-13T07:31:37-07:00June 5th, 2024|Parents, Our Approach|

​​When our learners find that they’re having difficulties keeping up with or managing their learning, SelfDesign is there to help. [...]

Excited Black Girl At Laptop Gesturing Yes.
Excited Black Girl At Laptop Gesturing Yes.

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